Once upon a time.........
...there was a world where every person was a herbalist...
No, this is not a fairy tale.
In the old times everyone used herbs, and knew at least few remedies for common ailments. Ask your grandparents and/or your great grandparents...
My 72 years old grandma still has a few herbal remedies up her sleeve!
Herbalism used to be primary health care. Doctors were scarce and were generally only consulted in emergencies back then. Unfortunately after the World War II herbalism quickly went spiraling downward. New technologies and science inventions became popular and people started favoring the pills over natural medicine. After all, it is easier to swallow a pill then it is to cook a meal or harvest the plants and make a herbal remedy.

Following that trend we got ourselves in a BIG old mess.

Our planet is wasting away because of the side effects, not only of our modern medicine but also mass production, modern technologies and inventions, and most of all - because of our conformity and greed.

Turning our backs to nature, we walked away from ourselves.

Now that the impact of our great inventions and technology on the environment is well known, that our food is full of artificial additives, as well as hormones, that many species of our flora and fauna are getting to the point of extinction, air and land are polluted, water is made “clean” with chlorine, natural catastrophes are starting to happen on a regular bases, it all seems to go downhill...

Now is the time to take action, and the only way to get ahead is - to go back. Paradoxically, the one and only way to go forward is to go – back.
Back to the roots.

Our friends and allies, medicinal herbs, are patiently waiting in the shadows (and on the sunny meadows) for us to straighten up our act and start thinking about our planet, their and our habitat, as well as our health - from the (w)holistic perspective.

Only then can we really make a change for the better
on the long run...

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need,
but not every man's greed”. (Gandhi)